Your Wedding Planning Guide, 4 weeks to go

4 weeks left until the big day. In the last 4 weeks, you get to enjoy the run-up to the wedding, the excitement the final plans coming together. Everything is in place now, and these weeks you need to concentrate on getting those ZZZ’s and looking after yourself and enjoying the lead up to your big day! 

What you need to do at this stage…


If you have been getting facials your therapist will advise you on when to get your final one before the big day. If you just want one to get that glowing look and a refresh of your skin now is the time to get it done to avoid any breakouts that may occur as a result. Remember to make sure to ask your therapist which is the best facial for your skin type and 4 weeks before your wedding. Our Spa Manager Sarah in our Senses Spa at Hotel Westport recommends the Germaine De Cappuccini, o2 Oxegen Facial, it brightens dead skin without causing breakouts for a beautiful glowing complexion, find out more HERE

Make Suppliers Contact List

Your 4 weeks out and some of your suppliers you may not have spoken to you in a few months, so to put your mind at ease now is the time to check in with all of them and sort out those final details, what time they are arriving etc. A good idea is to make a list of all your supplier’s names and contact details and give it to your Maid of Honour or someone you can trust on the day. same applies for your suppliers give them the chosen persons contact details should they need anything on the day. If they do happen to be running late or they are looking for directions on the day the last thing you want is to be dealing with that so ensure that they know who to contact and vice versa that your trusted co-ordinator knows who exactly to call.


There is nothing more frustrating for anyone planning a wedding is those pesky no replies. Even though you might think if they haven’t replied they must not be coming, Wrong. Don’t leave it to chance. You don’t want them turning up on the day and messing up your seating plan. Just to be sure follow up with them, they will be the ones mortified they haven’t replied and some may be genuine forgot or “Sure I told your mum in the supermarket a few weeks ago I was coming” kind of thing. either way, you need to know for sure, so don’t be afraid to delegate this out get your parents and siblings to do the dirty work for you. There are only certain times in your life you can guilt-free ask for help from your family – now is one of those times! 

Start Breaking in your Wedding Shoes

This is one all brides are guilty of forgetting about until the week before, but then its too late. If you are going to get a blister or two you need them to come out and be healed again for the big day. Wear them around the house in the evening while your doing chores or cleaning, start small 20 minutes and work your way up. 

*Top Tip – at first if they are quite sore or tight, wear socks for the first few times it will stretch the shoes a little and make your feet fit comfy in them. 


Table Plan

Start thinking about your table plan, once you have your guest list complete contact your venue and find out what their suggested layout would be with your final numbers. They may give you a couple of options depending on if you want the traditional Top Table or a round table in the centre of the room. either way now is a good time to start thinking about this as it may take a few days to get this finalised. It’s definitely something you need to do with your partner so you don’t out Aunt Mary beside your neighbour she doesn’t talk to (oh the fun)


KEEP CALM you’re nearly there! Stay tuned for next weeks edition where we count down to 2 weeks until you say I DO!

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