Your Wedding Planning Guide, 2 Months till I DO

Wedding Planning Guide – 2 Months to go

If you have been following our Wedding planning guides you should be pretty well organised, if not don’t worry catch up here; Wedding Planner Guide 1, Guide 2 & Guide 3 and our latest Guide -3 Months to go!  

Ok, so you’re down to 2 months to go, at this point your probably thinking “Have I forgot something?” … ” I have so much left to do”, well we’re here to assure you you got this! Ok, so let’s get started…


Send Invites

Usually, invites are sent between 8- 6 weeks prior to the wedding. Make sure to keep a list of all your attendees on an excel sheet and tick it off as you go to make sure you haven’t forgotten anyone. Make sure to utilise help from friends and family for this one, let them help you drop as many invites around by hand as they can, neighbours, a bunch to family here and there it will save you on postage! there will, of course, be some you need to post, be sure to check with your local Post office to get booklets of “Wedding Stamps” they are the same price but much nice on your invites! For those friends that are the other side of the world, why not send them an e-invite if you think it would be easier, at this stage you will already know if they are coming or not as they would have planned it so be smart and make life easier for yourself. Some suggestions McNamara Printers and All in Design, Castlebar

*Top Tip – Be sure to have a realistic RSVP date on your invites, if you want them all in by the 7th be sure to say the 1st, as with everything us Irish can be a bit Irish! 

Plan your Ceremony Layout

You will want to start thinking about the layout of your ceremony, whether it is a humanist, civil, interfaith or religious ceremony, it is to you probably the most important part of your wedding (I know I know the dress is up there too!?) So you want to make sure that you are happy with what’s being said and who is saying what. If you have decided to have friends and family do prayers or readings or blessing they need to be asked and given their piece. you also need to decide if you want to print off ceremony Booklets. If you are getting married in a Catholic Church you may need to run your reading/ sing choices by your priest first). If you do decide to get some booklets printed, there are plenty of cheap and cheerful options online from 6-page booklets to 1 fold leaflet of just an a5 piece of paper. You could also get them from the same company as your invites and keep them in the same design.

*Top Tip – If you ask for a priced for your invites, Mass Booklets and Thank you Cards together you have a better chance of being able to bargain a price! 

Gifts for Bridal Party, Parents, Partner 

When it comes to gifts its really down to personal preference. you may want to buy your bridesmaid’s shoes and bag or Jewellery and present it to them as a gift, mabey you and your partner have decided on a surprise gift to leave in each others cases for the night before the wedding or mabey you decide to keep your money and spend it on a killer honeymoon instead, either way do what fits your plan.

*Top Tip – If you don’t want to do the traditional flowers/gifts for the mothers, why not arrange a small Spa Day at a few weeks before the wedding, it will be a great chance for them to bond and a nice thank you for all their help & support. Senses Spa at Hotel Westport do fantastic Girly Spa Days and can also incorporate an amazing Afternoon Tea in the spectacular Westport House too! 

Beauty Trials

ESSENTIAL …we cannot stress enough how important it is to trial, trail, trail. the run-up to your wedding is not the time to test out a new hair colour, waxing experiments or anything out of the norm. If you are planning on getting a spray tan for your wedding and havnt trials it already now is the time. You need to leave yourself time to trial a few if you don’t like the first one! This will also allow you to see how long before your wedding to get your tan done, you may prefer it 2-3 days after application. 

*Top Tip – plan on getting your tan done before a night out or event, make sure to take plenty of pictures on the night and see what they look like, it will give you a good idea as to how it will come out and a great excuse to blow off some wedding prep stress 

Organise Wedding Favours

If you decide to do wedding favours now is the time to start organising them. There are some great Irish websites that do beautiful favours at a reasonable price Favour Lane  and Do Me a Favour

Or maybe you will decide instead of spending money on Favours that you will instead give that money to a charity of your choice. Some charities will even send you out little placemats for you to place on your tables to let your guests know what charity you have chosen. Make A Wish Ireland is an example of one you can find out more HERE


Stay Tuned for Next Weeks Guide, We will on the countdown with 4 weeks to go! 

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